[Task 2] Getting Started
- What is Google’s ASN number?
Get IP address of Google
ping google.com
Access https://www.ultratools.com/tools/asnInfo to get ASN
2. When was it allocated? Give the year only.
ANS: It’s in #1.
3. Where are most of the machines on this ASN number, physically in the world?
Login to https://www.shodan.io/
4. What is Google’s top service across all their devices on this ASN?
5. What SSH product does Google use?
6. What is Google’s most used Google product, according to this search? Ignore the word “Google” in front of it.
[Task 4] Google & Filtering
- What is the top operating system for MYSQL servers in Google’s ASN?
ASN:AS15169 product:MySQL
Answer is depending on time. In this case, correct answer doesn’t reflect reality
ANS: Windows ****** ****
2. What is the 2nd most popular country for MYSQL servers in Google’s ASN?
3. Under Google’s ASN, which is more popular for nginx, Hypertext Transfer Protocol or Hypertext Transfer Protocol(s)?
Answer is depending on time. In this case, correct answer doesn’t reflect reality
ANS: Hypertext ******** ********
4. Under Google’s ASN, what is the most popular city?
Click United States
5. Under Google’s ASN in Los Angeles, what is the top operating system according to Shodan?
Answer is depending on time. In this case, correct answer doesn’t reflect reality
ANS: Linux ***
6. Using the top Webcam search from the explore page, does Google’s ASN have any webcams? Yay / nay.
Click Explore
Click Webcam
Add asn number to the query and click search icon
There aren’t any results.