TryHackMe: BP: Networking

2 min readMar 13, 2020

[Task 1] Kinda like a street address, just cooler.

I’ll provide calculation method for #7.

7. How many addresses make up a typical class C range? Specifically a /24
“/24” mean
1111 1111 . 1111 1111 . 1111 1111 . 0000 0000
There’re twenty-four “1”.
There’re eight “0”. → 2⁸ = 256

[Task 2] Binary to Decimal
Calculation method

For an example:
1001 0010 (in binary) = 1*2⁷ + 0*2⁶ + 0*2⁵ + 1*2⁴ + 0*2³ + 0*2² + 1*2¹ + 0*2⁰ = 146 (in decimal)

[Task 3] Decimal to Binary
Calculation method
For an example:
238 (in decimal)
Start with
238 / 2 = 119 *2 + 0

Repeat dividing step until you can’t

Fraction in the circle is the answer


[Task 4] Address Class Identification
Just find answer with provided table

